There’s more that unites us than divides us. We are stronger together. We all want the same things: a safe place to raise our children, good jobs that allow us to provide for our families and give us a sense of worth, the promise of a safe and secure community to grow old in. These values are universal. I am going to focus on the things that we agree on, not those that we don’t. Too often politicians seek to pit one group of people against another in order to win an election. When elected I will be a legislator for all of South Carolina House District 22, not just those who voted for me.


Watching the South Carolina legislature can sometimes feel like you’ve stepped into an alternate universe. Whether they’re talking about ESGs, DEI, CRT, or XYZs, it seems that our legislature feels like they want to make up problems to fight about, rather than focus on the issues affecting everyday South Carolinians. We don’t have time for that. I will focus on real issues, not pretend ones.


Too many people in the legislature do not take their job seriously. Too many problems go unaddressed and too often laws are passed without serious thought being put into the effect they have. Legislating is an important job. I will take it seriously.